Session so the first part will be problem based learning but I’ll do a bit of comparison with Project based learning as well uh down the line so we will outline uh the approach and possible solutions what are the opportunities and barriers as well to adapt problem based learning in the classroom as well as how we can align for the program objectives learning objectives of each module you call here papers or course or module and the learning approaches and then how we can link it to the assessment as well so it’s like uh the workshop we did yesterday I can see familiar faces from yesterday as well so you will give them students problem and they have to come up with a solution so that’s the approach so it can be a particular part of the module or it can be the whole module you give a big problem to them and you will you will teach different material in order to overcome the address that particular problem and you will come up with the solution as well yeah thank you so this is a activity for all of you.